Wednesday, 2 September 2015

5.1 – Review and critique a short film production

Review on "The Maker"

A short (5m 30s) film made by Zealous Creative which formed it's own creators and artists.

The film opens with a rabbit like creature staring straight at the camera - a mixture of shock and confusion on his face whilst holding a leather bounded book. The camera cuts to a sand timer turning upside down - cuing the violin soundtrack to play. The character lays down the book on the desk in front of and begins to flick through the pages, gaining more information on what he should do. He begins to work cutting fabric, molding a face, choosing eyes, cutting out ears and stuffing for his creation. 

As soon as he's finished he marvels his hard work, but when he tries to interact with the other rabbit her body continues to be limp and lifeless - not being awoken.
The protagonist then begins to try and coax the companion: making her climb stairs, read, learn but nothing works; eyes closed and unresponsive. The camera pans to the timer as the music climaxes, by this point the rabbit creature realizes what he must do. He grabs the violin hanging on the wall, places his companion on a chair and flies through until he discovers sheet music, as the music pauses he takes a breath and begins to play - joining in with the soundtrack. 

The female rabbit awakens, rising from her chair to face the male. After grabbing his hands, the two embrace until the male lets go whilst takes a step back. They both glance over at the timer, which is reaching its end, then the male closes the book and passes it to the female with a smile on his face. Of course she looks confused until the the timer runs out and the male disappears into rainbow dust and the room clears itself of all the mess. 

Silence falls as the female is left alone and in shock as to what has happened - a mirror image of what it was like at the beginning of the film.
The sand timer turns, the music plays and the repeating cycle continues. Thus cues the credits to roll while the audience is left in surprise and thought as to what the whole point and reason of the film was. 


The film was mad to "explore the preciousness of our moments on earth, the short time with loved ones and the enjoyment of of one life's work / purpose"
In my opinion, the story lacks some definition / clear meaning although the camera work, lighting, editing and sound show the creators enthusiasm. It's a wonderful example of teamwork whereby the artists, composers and camera men can work in harmony as a group - resulting into a metaphorical piece of stop motion. The original idea was intended to be comedic (to challenge the soundtrack) but instead became a meaningful and light-hearted film that only emphasized the music's emotive feel. 

To me, this film demonstrates the amount of work, love and effort one generation can give / do for another, but when it their turn to take control they have no clue what to do or where to begin - relying on old information to pull them through instead of being original. 

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